Good Exposure
Thursday 7th November, 2013

I'm pleased to say that both were very rewarding although the journey to London was surprisingly tiring especially having to take a huge divert as trains had been cancelled from London to the South West!
There were around 140 people at the UK Youth Creative Collisions conference which listened to my presentation from the O2 Think Big angle. Initially I thought they had asked for a presentation about SAV but 10 minutes before I was due to go up I was informed that it was more about the O2 Think Big programme than SAV! Major pain not just because I had to quickly adjust my presentation (thank god for iPad and Keynote, so easy) but I had to rewrite what I was planning to say in my head. Unfortunately after all of that the speaker before me overran so I didn't have time to go through the whole 10 min presentation! Regardless of the few unforeseen bumps it was overall very positive. I got SAV's message and awareness of our work across to around 140 people from a variety of different backgrounds and ages.
I had an interesting chat with a gentleman from London Youth about potential collaboration on some work within the London Youth Clubs. Although this is quite far out of our region London is easily accessible so it may be a possibility!
I then travelled up to the Bristol Education Centre to speak at the PSHE Conference. The room was full of PSHE teachers from across Bristol. We have always struggled with Bristol and never had much response or uptake from our efforts to get in touch with them. It's the same with many schools but certainly we struggle with the city schools.
I had 30 minutes to present. I showed them our main film resource and spoke about what we do and what we can offer to their schools. The room was silent and everyone was listening intently. There were plenty of questions come the end and my luck was clearly in as there was a gentleman in the room who already uses our film. He gave a glowing reference about the impact it had on his students. There was a similar endorsement when I was talking to the Bath PSHE leads so I must admit I feel very lucky and also humbled that there has been at least one person who has heard of us and has something very positive to say about our work.
All in all a busy and tiring couple of days but very rewarding and positive. Hopefully this will turn in to some bookings now!